Protect basements and floor slabs from leaks and water ingress

Maintain the integrity of your basements.

Basements are critical areas in any building, as they are often suscep­tible to water intrusion and moisture damage. These can affect the structure and lead to costly repairs. With ProGeo’s® intel­ligent monitoring solutions, you can minimize the risks and ensure the safety of your basements.


ProGeo® checks the moisture and water­pro­ofing of your basement in real time


By e‑mail, SMS or via ProGeo® 24/7 support

Locating damage

Intel­ligent sensors can be used to localise the humidity

Prevent costs

Avoid substantial damage to your structure

All solutions
from one source.

ProGeo® monitoring systems have been reliably protecting buildings from moisture damage and loss of value for over 30 years. Whether individual flat roofs, entire wooden buildings or geotech­nical struc­tures in environ­mental protection – ProGeo® offers tailor-made solutions for every appli­cation.

control systems

Water­pro­ofing control systems directly monitor the water­pro­ofing and detect leaks before water spreads throughout the structure. Due to the real-time detection and the possi­bility of automatic leak detection, they are the most effective way to monitor seals.

Moisture and
humidity sensors

Our intel­ligent humidity sensors detect moisture and moisture at critical points in the building. The portfolio of point sensors, sensor tapes and sensor mats offers the right solution for every appli­cation.

Struc­tural health

In order to further increase functional relia­bility, additional sensors for physical parameters such as tempe­rature, incli­nation, defor­mation, settlement and load can be integrated into the monitoring solution.

contact layers

The conductive contact layers support the scheduled diagnosis of water­pro­ofing systems. The instal­lation of an electri­cally conductive contact layer improves the testa­bility of the seal within the framework of manual control measu­re­ments.

Monitoring Portal

In the web-based monitoring portal, all system data is aggre­gated and processed centrally. Here you can find out about the condition of your property at any time and analyze the data compre­hen­sively after an alarm message.

    Easy to manage

    In the user-friendly online system, you can maintain master data easily, configure notifi­ca­tions indivi­dually and control your monitoring data centrally.

    Alarm status and action monitoring

    Check active alarms and track the dehumi­di­fi­cation of your object effici­ently and accurately after the repair has been completed.

    Data analysis and visua­lization

    Analyze moisture develo­pment over time series and precisely identify critical moisture penetration with clear heat maps.

    Instant status overview

    Keep an eye on the condition of your property – thanks to up-to-date data, you can immediately see if there is a problem with moisture.


    Document all opera­tions, such as maintenance and other events, around the monitored object.