Point sensors in the roof structure

Ideal for retro­fitting flat roofs

The smartex® io point sensor detects moisture in warm roofs and non-visible components in real time. The basis is an innovative sensor head that reaches up to the vapor barrier and conti­nuously converts the humidity state from absolutely dry to completely soaked into an analog signal. Moisture develo­p­ments and distri­bu­tions in the component are thus described precisely and compa­rably. Optio­nally, the sensors can be expanded with tempe­rature and humidity measu­rement.

  • Selective moisture measu­rement
  • Temporal and spatial trends
  • Real-time capable
  • Optio­nally with tempe­rature and humidity measu­rement


smartex® io point sensor

Roof water­pro­ofing

Thermal insulation

Vapor barrier

Building construction

Band sensors

Ideal for raised floors, wet rooms, sloping roofs, roofs with a low risk profile and moisture-sensitive buildings

smartex® dm band sensors can be used flexibly, whether as a single sensor in narrow components or in a parallel arran­gement for monitoring large areas. In conjunction with the ProGeo® Monitoring Portal, smartex® dm enables meaningful trend analyses to assess moisture develo­p­ments in the component as a result of leaks, accidents or hygro­thermal malfunc­tions.

  • Zone-based monitoring
  • Real-time capable
  • Temporal and spatial trends
  • Optio­nally also for air humidity monitoring


ProGeo® Mess- und Sende­einheit (PV-Variante)

Roof water­pro­ofing

Thermal insulation

smartex® dm sensor bands

Vapor barrier

Building construction

Sensor mats

Ideal for floor struc­tures of wet rooms, water supply routes, under­floor heating, special indus­trial appli­ca­tions

smartex® sp sensor mats consist of a two-layer composite sensor that reliably detects moisture over the entire sensor surface. The sensor mats are parti­cu­larly suitable for appli­ca­tions where moisture escapes over a small area and in small quantities, without conven­tional point or tape sensors being able to reliably detect it. Such undetected leaks can cause major damage locally, e.g. in timber construction, in facing shells with water-bearing instal­la­tions, under heating circuit distri­butors or in supply shafts.

  • Real-time capable
  • Full-surface
  • Detects even minimal humidity
  • Temporal trends

ProGeo® measuring and evaluation unit

Shower tray

Floor construction

Wooden ceiling

smartex® sp sensor mat

Humidity sensors in wooden construction

With the smartex® vt product range, ProGeo® offers a range of point sensors for monitoring tasks in timber construction. The sensors are assembled for the object to be monitored, taking into account the individual requi­re­ments and enable close remote monitoring of wet and moisture-critical areas of the wooden structure, even over long periods of time.

Wood moisture sensors

Resistive wood moisture sensors precisely measure wood moisture by means of resis­tance measu­rement. Custo­mized probes and high-resolution data acqui­sition enable detailed analysis and limit monitoring. Areas of appli­cation include hotspots, drying behavior after damage or critical construc­tions.

Humidity sensors in the compartment

Tempe­rature and humidity sensors in closed compart­ments of wooden construc­tions enable the early detection of critical moisture trends as a result of miscon­di­tions of moisture protection or faulty building physics. ProGeo® supplies pre-assembled, long-term precise sensors for different instal­lation situa­tions as part of project-specific monitoring solutions.

Indirect wood moisture measu­rement with temperature/humidity sensors

Humidity and wood moisture are directly functionally related, taking into account tempe­rature. This enables the indirect deter­mi­nation of wood moisture by measuring tempe­rature and relative humidity. ProGeo® supplies object-specific sensors for integration into wooden components via small holes.

Flexible data transfer
and power supply

Capture – Transfer – Process

In order for data to become valuable infor­mation, it must reach its desti­nation quickly and reliably. ProGeo® monitoring systems use state-of-the-art techno­logies for remote data trans­mission, whether wired or wireless, for efficient and precise monitoring.

Connection and trans­mission options

The measu­rement and evaluation units can be connected via a 230 V connection in the building or via a solar module when installed on the roof. Long-term batteries are also available for power supply for individual sensors or small groups of sensors.

Offline monitoring

In Ausnah­me­fällen können die ProGeo® Systeme auch in einem Offline-Modus geliefert werden. Dies bringt einige Nachteile bei den Funktio­na­li­täten mit sich, ist aber für einzelne system­kri­ti­schen Bauwerke zum Schutz von Infor­ma­tionen notwendig.

Monitoring Portal

In the web-based monitoring portal, all system data is aggre­gated and processed centrally. Here you can find out about the condition of your property at any time and analyze the data compre­hen­sively after an alarm message.

    Easy to manage

    In the user-friendly online system, you can maintain master data clearly, configure notifi­ca­tions indivi­dually and control your monitoring data centrally.

    Alarm status and action monitoring

    Check active alarms and track your roof dehumi­di­fi­cation effici­ently and accurately after repair.

    Data analysis and visua­lization

    Analyze moisture develo­pment over time series and precisely identify critical moisture penetration with clear heat maps.

    Instant status overview

    Keep an eye on the condition of your roof – thanks to always up-to-date data, you can immediately see whether your roof is leak-proof.


    Document all processes around the monitored object.