Manual tightness
testing with Smartex® VM

Ideal for leak tests and leak detection of seals without inter­fering separation layers

Manual measuring unit for scheduled tightness testing

If appli­cable, ring electrode

Roof water­pro­ofing

Conductive ProGeo® contact layer

Connection set

Thermal insulation

Vapor barrier

Building construction

smartex® vm
Product variants

smartex® vm
Raw glass fleece

For loosely laid, mecha­ni­cally fastened
or ballasted seals.

smartex® vm
Polypro­pylene non-woven fabric

For appli­ca­tions with increased
mecha­nical stresses.

smartex® vm
Stainless steel measuring grid

Ideal for full-surface self-adhesive

smartex® vm
Panel connectors

For the use of top-side
Aluminum-laminated thermal insulation
as a contact situation.