About ProGeo®: Pioneers of monitoring technology

Since 1992, ProGeo® has stood for intel­ligent solutions in the automated monitoring of seals. Our commitment to quality and innovation has made us a leader in the industry. With our advanced systems such as smartex® and geologger®, we protect buildings, the environment and infra­structure from moisture damage and provide precise leakage detection in real time. Discover how our techno­logies help make your projects safe and sustainable.

Our Mission

Safety and sustaina­bility through innovative monitoring solutions

Since its foundation in 1992, ProGeo® has set itself the goal of being a leader in the develo­pment of monitoring systems for construction and environ­mental technology. Our techno­logies – smartex® and geologger® – are the result of decades of research and innovation, with a clear focus on relia­bility, durability and environ­mental protection.

Our history

From local begin­nings to global presence

What began as a small start-up in Großbeeren near Berlin has developed into an inter­na­tio­nally recognized company. Today, the award-winning ProGeo® technology is used in thousands of projects worldwide, from building construction and civil engineering to specia­lized appli­ca­tions in environ­mental engineering.

Our values

Innovation, quality and respon­si­bility

At ProGeo®, we are committed to the highest standards in all aspects of our work. Innovation is at the heart of every­thing we do, driven by the constant search for better solutions for our customers. Quality is manifested in each of our products, supported by rigorous testing and conti­nuous impro­vement. Our respon­si­bility towards the environment and society motivates us to develop sustainable and safe techno­logies that will last not only today, but also for future genera­tions.

Our people

The heart of ProGeo®

Our team of highly qualified engineers, techni­cians and support staff is the basis of our success. Their expertise and commitment enable us to offer tailor-made solutions that are precisely tailored to the needs and requi­re­ments of our customers.

Our commitment

Partner­ships and social respon­si­bility

ProGeo® is not just a company, but an active part of the community. Through partner­ships with educa­tional insti­tu­tions and local organiza­tions, we contribute to the promotion of technical education and the support of community projects. Our social respon­si­bility is reflected in every project we support and in every innovation we drive.