Safe monitoring of landfill sealing with ProGeo® geologger®

Reliable environ­mental protection through sophisti­cated seal control

In the field of landfill construction and the encap­su­lation of conta­mi­nated sites, the integrity of the seals is crucial for environ­mental protection. The geologger® system from ProGeo®, which has been awarded the Berlin-Brandenburg Innovation Award, is a proven solution for monitoring and ensuring the tightness of landfill seals, which has estab­lished itself both natio­nally and inter­na­tio­nally.

around the clock

geologger® checks the sealing of your landfill in real time

Locating damage

In the event of a leak, repair work can be carried out in a targeted manner

Protecting the environment

Only with geologger® can you be sure that no substances penetrate into the environment

BAM and TNO approval

geologger® meets the highest requi­re­ments of the testing labora­tories

Solutions for
Indus­trial plants

The ProGeo® product portfolio ranges from simple point sensors for cavities to sophisti­cated seal control systems


For landfills, storage areas and basins for long-term monitoring up to over 100 years

The geologger® product range is specially developed for use in civil engineering and environ­mental protection and monitors the water­pro­ofing of geotech­nical struc­tures. geologger® is approved by the Federal Office for Materials Research and Testing (BAM) for the sealing of landfills and has been reliably protecting our environment for over 30 years. The sensor cables are extremely robust as well as longi­tu­di­nally water­proof and stretchable with PE layer sheathing that prevents damage caused by struc­tural stress.

  • Direct metro­lo­gical monitoring of the water­pro­ofing
  • All-over
  • Exact leak location
  • Real-time capable
  • With BAM and TNO approval

geologger® control cabinet


geologger® counter electrodes

geologger® sensor cable

Surface water­pro­ofing

Waste bodies

Base water­pro­ofing


Minimal risk of damage –
thanks to ProGeo® geologger®

90 %
of all water­pro­ofing damage occurs when the water­pro­ofing is no longer visible.

of all seals are leaking when they are first inspected.

is the residual risk of undetected water­pro­ofing damage when using a geologger® seal control system.