Supplier use ProGeo’s® innovative techno­logies and know-how

Optimize humidity and
moisture protection with ProGeo®

As a supplier for building products, you know how important it is for your products to perform their function reliably in the long term. But what good is the best product if it is damaged by unnoticed influences? ProGeo® works with you to develop tailor-made product innova­tions that take your products to the next level and give you important compe­titive advan­tages in an incre­asingly compe­titive environment.

Advan­tages for supplier

  • Extended product properties through innovative monitoring technology
    Integrate ProGeo® monitoring solutions into your construction products to provide advanced features for detecting and locating faults. Our techno­logies help you make your products more reliable and powerful.
  • Early detection of moisture and moisture problems
    With our solutions, moisture and moisture problems can be detected and localized at an early stage before they lead to major damage. This improves the quality and longevity of your products and increases the satis­faction of your customers.
  • Innovative compe­titive advantage
    By integrating ProGeo® monitoring solutions, you position yourself as an innovative market leader in the field of moisture and moisture protection. Use our advanced techno­logies to diffe­ren­tiate yourself from the compe­tition and provide your customers with the best possible protection.
  • Tailor-made solutions for your products
    We offer custo­mized monitoring solutions that are speci­fi­cally tailored to your products and their requi­re­ments. Benefit from our expertise and let us work together to develop innovative approaches that give your products unique added value.
  • Long-term partnership and support
    ProGeo® is at your side as a reliable partner. In addition to helping you integrate our solutions, we also provide long-term services and support to ensure the continued function­ality and efficiency of your products.
  • ISO certi­fi­cation and awards
    ProGeo® is ISO-certified and has been honored with presti­gious awards such as the Berlin-Brandenburg Innovation Award and the TOP100 Innovator award. These recogni­tions underline our innovative strength and our commitment to the highest quality standards. You trust in our experience and quality when you choose a monitoring solution from ProGeo®.