Monitoring of water­pro­ofing and struc­tural moisture protection: The limits of point measu­rement methods and the need for innovative approaches

by Andreas Rödel | 21.06.2024 | Seals

The punctual measu­rement of physical quantities is undoub­tedly considered a proven method for charac­te­rizing the behavior of components, especially if the material behavior can be assumed to be homoge­neous and isotropic. It enables precise recording of specific parameters and provides valuable insights into the behavior of building struc­tures. However, selective measu­rement methods often reach their limits where unfore­seeable, disruptive events, the location of which cannot be predicted in advance, must be quickly detected and localized in order to avoid conse­quential damage.

This is mainly due to the fact that monitoring methods based on discrete, distri­buted measuring points are often not repre­sen­tative of the entire monitoring area due to the low density of measuring points. Especially in the case of events such as leaks, cracks or other unexpected damage, the occur­rence of which cannot be clearly predicted, punctual measu­re­ments can have diffi­culty locating them in time and accurately.

Exposed leakage under approx. 1 m thick recul­ti­vation layer on an approx. 60,000 m² landfill
To meet this challenge, a paradigm shift towards conti­nuous, area-based monitoring is proving to be promising. ProGeo has recognized this and has been developing techno­logies for more than 30 years that econo­mically enable compre­hensive monitoring of even very large objects. These approaches allow the relevant parameters to be conti­nuously recorded across the entire area to be monitored. This not only overcomes the weaknesses of point measu­re­ments, but also detects disruptive events immediately and precisely, regardless of where they occur.

The following practical examples illus­trate the effec­ti­veness of this approach:

Monitoring of buried plastic seals

The metro­lo­gical monitoring of buried water­pro­ofing in the environ­mental protection sector is made possible by the BAM-approved geologger® seal control system. This system is based on an areal recording of the electrical resis­tance distri­bution of the monitored sealing. It uses a voltage diffe­rence imprinted in the electri­cally conductive soil layers adjacent to the water­pro­ofing and records the potential distri­bution that occurs with a grid of measuring points in one of the soil layers.

Thanks to a measuring grid of 5 to 10 metres, which is usually used in practice, the smallest leaks can be located with an accuracy of a few decimetres, regardless of where they occur. This process is now state-of-the-art and is mandatory for certain landfill classes and facilities for handling water-polluting substances.

Real-time monitoring of building water­pro­ofing

The metro­lo­gical monitoring of green and used flat roofs is imple­mented by means of the real-time monitoring system smartex mx®, which enables conti­nuous recording of the entire roof area. This system works according to the same measuring principle as the geologger® system, whereby the voltage diffe­rence between the wet cover or wear layers is applied to the water­pro­ofing and an electri­cally conductive contact layer located below the water­pro­ofing.

Automa­ti­cally located leakage according to coordi­nates for a large green roof
Changes in the potential distri­bution in the contact position as a result of leaks that occur are measured automa­ti­cally and conti­nuously with a matrix of sensor points. This enables immediate detection and precise location of the leak, regardless of the location of the leak in the
Automa­ti­cally located leakage according to coordi­nates for a large green roof
Sealing. In addition, the system also provides quali­tative location-specific infor­mation about the moisture distri­bution within warm roof struc­tures.

smartex® mx is available in various design variants and is suitable for use with loosely laid, mecha­ni­cally fastened and fully hot-glued or self-bonded seals.